Alf the angels’ teaboy

Alf the angels’ teaboy
took pride in what he did
He always warmed the teapot
never once left off the lid
He used just the right amount of milk
in the cup first, such was his ilk
and mopped up every drop he spilt
This was his lot in life

Alf the angels’ teaboy
was happy in his work
Always there with cups of tea
and never one to shirk
But as the angels came and went
on all their glorious missions sent
Sometimes a little tear was spent
About his lot in life

Alf the angels’ teaboy
had a secret bucket list
His single entry never told
but often on it wished
Just one chance to see the light
and share part of the glory bright
that only shines on Christmas night
To complete his lot in life

Alf the angels’ teaboy
arranged some biscuits on a plate
to accompany his famous tea
close to Heaven’s Gate
But on this day something had changed
An important memo was exchanged
and angel rotas re-arranged
to change a lot in life

Alf the angels’ teaboy
felt tears roll down his cheek
Standing there with everyone
and feeling very meek
The angels with the Heavenly Throng
raised voices in triumphant song
and smiled as Alf joined in along
for this, his lot in life


Written for the Poet’s Corner Christmas poetry challenge 2016

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Keith Channing
    Dec 16, 2016 @ 10:58:48

    Charming, Jem; absolutely charming.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. lifecameos
    Dec 17, 2016 @ 09:57:07

    How lovely to see the angels; tea boy remembered !

    Liked by 1 person


  3. D'lea
    Feb 03, 2020 @ 23:25:03


    Liked by 1 person


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