
Eunice came and did her worst
to Southern England's shore
threw her toys out of the pram
and then came back for more
tossed the sea to caldron surge
with shingle in the air
flinging them to landward
without a thought or care
and then when she was done and spent
she sulked and slunk away
leaving us to count the cost
from this rough stormcast day


Photo – Jempics

The February cast

Brighton Pavilion lit up at night
in the glow this February cast
provides for an image to capture and hold
for a memory I know will last
And though long we've lived here
and many times have before
seen this view by day and by night
it's always a pleasure never to fade
to again see this wonderful sight


Photo – Jempics

London in lights

I don't know of its purpose
but the Southwark hoarding new
down by the river Thames this morning
provided quite a view
as visible behind it
London's skyline proved the most
of its attraction to the many
this new hoarding playing host


Photo – Jempics

Burning sky

East London early morning
and I turned and caught the sun
with burning sky across the Thames
just as the day begun
Gold shone from the high buildings
in the city 'cross the way
but, heeding Shepherd's warning
knew that rain would come today


Photo – Jempics

Like a friend II

Many times in these hours
I have fine honed my craft
some say I am mad
and others I'm daft
but this edge before morning
this whispering time
is perfect for me
for writing a line
when the words like a river
flow from my pen
and the poet embraces
them each like a friend


Photo – Jempics

Tri-haiku XXXVII (Essence)

Yesterday it rained
quite persistently throughout
so inside we stayed

Today though it's dry
and the birds are singing sweet
songs about the day

So outside we'll go
to breathe in the world around
and feel its essence


Image – Jempics


It's 'twos day' here a play on words
but rightful when you think
of all the 'twos' that on this day
pass by in just a blink
Twenty-second of the second
month in twenty-two
and falling on a Tuesday
so it seemed the thing to do


Image – AppleCalendar

Sorting through the years

Our house in turmoil this weekend
as boxes from the eaves
were sorted through by offspring
for memories that time leaves
Precious things forgotten
rekindled smiles and joy
a purpose served, remembered
by three girls and a boy

All adults now but children still
to us in evening years
this weekend of spring cleaning
so full of warming cheers
And each of us enriched by this
affirming that we here
can seize the day for joie de vivre
with happiness quite clear


Photo – Emily Rose Croucher

Westminster Gold

Westminster sunset
the gold in the sky
makes for a wonder
as I hurry by
But just enough time
to capture the scene
on my iPhone a snapshot
my thumb on the screen
for something to look at
a memory to keep
as I head on homeward
at the end of the week


Photo – Jempics

48 years

Nineteenth February time after time
and though 48 years, still etched in my mind
that overcast day and the falling from grace
from a knock at the door and a slap in the face
snatched the father away from the boy of fifteen
who in formative years was the worst kind of mean
and though time has healed the wound is still raw
so on this day every year he remembers and more
as he still sees him clear in his mind's eye and knows
that despite passing years the love never goes


Photo – John Alan Croucher (10/5/1935 to 19/2/1974) – Jempics

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