Treasure to save

Autumn’s come early it seems as the Spring
was quite wet this year and then
the summer that followed was generally dry
and hot most days once again

It’s only September and summer remains
with sunshine that’s warm every day
But there’s gold in the trees which is lovely to see
and paints a good picture I’d say

For now though I’m hoping the sunshine remains
extending the summer we’ve seen
With gold in the trees adding treasure to save
to the riches replacing the green


The beach and me III

There’s no one down here now
and the beach is quite deserted
now the sunshine’s left us
But I’m not that disconcerted

For, sitting here with just the gulls
for pleasant company
it’s really quite refreshing
to be alone beside the sea

There’s a slight Sou’Westerley a-blow
but there’s yet no autumn chill
So it’s still a lovely place to be
when you’ve some time to kill


The last hot summer night

Walking through St James’ Park
on the last hot summer night
I spied Buck House between the trees
it was a lovely sight
All lit up and shining
casting its reflection there
It was such a lovely thing to see
that I just had to share



Privilege to share

Another lovely end of day
in my favourite place
Sitting in the sunshine
with a big smile on my face
I’d take a little selfie
but I’m pretty sure that you
Would rather see some beach huts
from my favourite sea view
It really is a privilege
that’s not lost on me each day
Pausing as I cycle home
‘Cos it’s always on my way
I’ll watch the sea a little while
and write a poem in my book
Capturing words of what I see
as it’s always worth a look
Perhaps some day you’ll join me
I have some deckchairs spare
As it would be a pleasure
This view with you to share


Remnant of Summer

On the breath of a morning
I caught in the air
a lingering fragrance
subtle and rare
A remnant of summer
to cherish and hold
and remain with me as
the autumn turns gold



The day began with sunshine
so I popped down to the beach
armed with paints and brushes
and a long pole for to reach
the top bit of the beach hut
as it needs a lick of paint
It took me several hours
but a craftsman I just ain’t
It wouldn’t cut the mustard
with a decorator man
But it’s weatherproof and brighter
and I’m pleased with it, I am



Promises Golden

The day started golden
with promise in store
that there would be warmth
with the sunshine once more
Mid-September but still
the summer is here
Though autumn is calling
and is close by I fear
But on days when the sunshine
has more stories to tell
The promise holds true
and still bodes us well
So I’ll not wish the summer
to leave us just yet
Particularly if more
days like this we will get
Long may it continue
that’s what I say
with more promises golden
like the one from today


Peace and the sea

Peace takes many different forms
but down here it is the sea
On the beach at any time
but today when it’s just me
I hear the waves down on the shore
their motion sings a song
And as I sit and contemplate
I’ll often hum along
It doesn’t really matter
if there’s sun or if there’s rain
for this is a place I’ll come to
many times again


Music Days

On days when it’s raining
my music will play
From the time I awaken
’til the end of the day
It’s an escape I enjoy
and will often return
topping up with the downloads
and the CDs I burn
It’s a remedy to cure
‘most any malaise
So sometimes all of us
need our music days

[10 & 12/9/16]

The music of the ocean

The music of the ocean
the best tune I know
as I hear if very often
when to the beach I go
It’s a full orchestral movement
with the nuances that brings
and the voices of a choir
for the wondrous songs its sings
The music of the ocean
is a comfort here to me
in this lovely place I live in
so close beside the sea


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