Of gold III

3 of 3

This wealth is fleeting, no hoarder's gain
no vaults to hold, though savers might
see interest building if they dared
to lift the veil that masks the sight

For here is treasure, boundless, free
a gold to harness, hold and share
as summer fades and winter comes
preceded by the autumn's flair


[3 of a triplicate; 1 the day before, 2 yesterday]

With Grace II

I have sun through my window, gold dust on the beam
so whatever I feel and how things may seem
I have treasure abundant and am a rich man
Life sees to that whenever it can

I have jewels laid down whenever it rains
or the dew in the morning with many refrains
I have colours abundant in flower and tree
Wealth, riches and treasure bestowed here for free

So how could I ever be so selfish to say
that life's not provided for me here today
No, that would be churlish, a slap in the face
to this treasure trove here given freely with grace


Photo – Jempics [the dog is ‘Wolfgang’ – my daughter’s; he’s a Patterdale Terrier]

Of rust and gold (revisited) again

Concluding the ‘A life worth living’ series (12 of 12)

And to these days
when all I hold
is flecked with rust
or painted gold
I know which of
these I prefer
So to the gold
I will defer

The rust it takes
a second place
Resting with
its fall from grace
Yet not forgotten
all these things
as each have given
cause to sing

Rust can be changed
Re-vigour gleaned
to witness gold
with surface cleaned
So of the gold
and of the rust
to each I cling
as each I trust


[Of rust and gold was first posted in February 2019, repeated in December 2022 and revisited today]

Photo – Jempics

A treasure revisited

4 of 10 in the ‘Brittle 23’ series

Winter greyness seldom sun
Brittle chill for everyone
Daylight precious shorter now
Nighttime lingers on somehow
Yet still to find and bring some cheer
Despite the chill a beauty here
As winter hides but brings to fore
a treasure kept for us in store


Series pic – Jempics

[The original of ‘A treasure‘ was posted in November 2016]

Golden III

There in the silence a single leaf fell
slowly down to the ground
from the tree it had lived on throughout the year
with the slightest whisper of sound
Yet no sadness here, no falling from grace
but exuberant moment of glee
as a new golden treasure shone bright at its best
at the end of its life radiantly


Photo – Jempics

Shoreham my home

Through a gap in the bushes
I spied Shoreham town
nestled there under the Downs
twixt me and the sea
safe there in the lea
the bearer of treasure and crowns

And I smiled in the knowledge
that this was my home
the place I am so pleased to live
for it has everything
to make my heart sing
with the riches it serves there to give


Photo – Shoreham town from Mill Hill, West Sussex – Jempics

The Treasure Party

Enriched I am carried
as if on a cloud
to this place of fulfilment
my head duly bowed
For it is with all honour
and privilege here
that I share in this glory
at this time of year

So in luxury carried
to this opulent place
I am full of awe
at receipt of this grace
For it is quite purely
at nature's behest
that I am invited
as a valued guest


Photo – Jempics


And so into the woodland trail
for an exuberance of gold
this treasure of abundance
now the year is getting old

For times like these I live and breathe
and even though it's chill
my winter coat and long johns
will ensure I catch no ill

Fare more beside this treasure trail
quite free there to partake
is something quite essential
at this time of year to make


Photo – Jempics


On the table outside
are memories we treasure
rocks and pebbles from Dorset
hold joy beyond measure

Some fossils, all lovely
some plain and some not
we love every one
and are pleased with the lot

And they're out there for purpose
to get wet in the rain
for then we can see them
as we found them again

Fresh, wet from the sea
with their lines and their form
which fascinated us then
and now our table adorn

Our treasures from Dorset
for us always to hold
displayed in our garden
and as precious as gold


Photo – Jempics


The second of four and the rain
a threat yesterday has arrived
Yet here on the set of November cast
the sun's in my heart and I thrive
For it really is all about seizing the day
and the treasure trove waiting a find
So seldom the time to fret about things
which are mostly figments in mind


Photo – Jempics

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